You will be working in teams to produce a website for a business idea. Having filled your business model canvases, you should build a website that will allow your users and/or customers to use your product. Make sure you think of making your website user-friendly, adding useful features, and showcasing the code that you've learned.

The judges will be looking for things like contact or signup forms, the use of bootstrap or other tools to make your website look slicker, and websites that showcase good business ideas. Extra points will be awarded to those who manage to get some users or signups before the end of the day!

A few reminders

  1. Using Git with SourceTree and Publishing
  2. Using Git with the Command Line and Publishing
  3. Collaborating using GitHub

A few links you might find useful

  1. GitHub
  2. Bootstrap
  3. Custom Bootstrap themes
  4. London CodeFirst: Girls notes
  5. Oxford Code Labs Notes